Thanks a lot to all our buyers! Dozens of users throughout the world. They use different languages, but communicative issues between the deaf and hearing are the same in Russia, USA, Germany, Australia, India, Brazil, UK, Korea and many, many other countries. The finest is that my customers are very clever persons who make their balanced decision having tried the trial version. The most important thing for them is that they receive the new tool for communication. It’s important for them to make barriers lower and remove them at all. My buyers now are looking for making the communication more available. That is really the most valuable thing we have.
I receive letters from buyers who lost their sense of hearing in adult age. For them, my complex turned out to be the real rescue. These people don’t know gestural language and cannot read by lips. However, they save their desire and need to communicate. Many of them became very alone. What one should do if a wife has lost her hearing sense, but her husband hears. It’s very difficult even simply discuss something. Paper notes or sms—all of them are too inconvenient. My complex allows talking for many hours and looking to each other’s eyes.
I invented this complex for myself to communicate with my son. When I’d seen that the results were really wonderful, I decided to publish applications for this complex. I was told that I could do nothing; it’s too expensive and difficult for understanding; that paper notes were more familiar. However, I decided to publish these applications at Google Play. If this helped me, why it couldn’t help to others. Each time when somebody is installing my applications, I feel a great pleasure that one more person has found in this complex namely that he/she looks for. If the people would be little closer to one another thanks to my complex, it means that my life in the Earth is not for nothing.
Of course, it’s my dream to proceed with development of the complex. To make it something more than only hobby. I am sorry that I have no possibility to make video clips of high quality where is possible to show how one could use the complex in different situations. Unfortunately, I have no possibility to take part in thematic exhibitions. It's a great pity that many people who could use my complex simply know nothing about.
However, I hope that in future many people could know about my complex and it will become one of everyday communication means for deaf persons.
Again, thank you a lot!
Your Sarslander.